Share price: 4,740.00 details

What we do

With high quality assets across a variety of geographies and crops, we utilise innovative technology to ensure a sustainable future.


Other crops


Soya, wheat, maize, sorghum, oats and beans are grown in Brazil, the majority is sold locally for distribution into world markets.

37,704 tonnes from 3,860 Ha in 2023


Cattle are grazed for beef production supplying the Kenyan market.

941 births in 2023


Sustainable forestry including eucalyptus and pine is produced and sold into local markets or used as fuel wood in our factories for production.

81,406 m3 harvested in 2023


Rubber is grown in Bangladesh, a naturally grown recyclable product which grows well in soil unsuitable for tea production.

572 tonnes from 1,654 Ha in 2023

Our Brands

Research & development - driving change

As a Group we invest in R&D and promote a culture of best practice across our operations to ensure the continuous development and improvement of our agricultural processes, maximising efficiency, profitability and ensuring the protection of our natural environments and communities.

Other investments & associates

Investment portfolio

The Group maintains an investment portfolio valued at £38.1 million at 31/12/23. These investments are principally in listed securities across a range of international markets. They are managed by our own team in London.

Investment property

Principally in the UK, and with a mix of commercial and residential property, the portfolio was valued at £23.3 million at 31/12/23. This portfolio provides a relatively stable source of earnings to the Group.

Natural food, ethically produced